So, got a few use cases that I want to try:
- Configure aliases and handy stuff (autocomplete) for the terminal
- Deploy a new container
- more later …
Configure aliases and handy stuff (autocomplete) for the terminal
Add this lines to ~/.bash_profile
alias k="minikube kubectl --"
set_minikube () {
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
source <(k completion bash)
complete -F __start_kubectl k
I have a simple Makefile for builds and deploys:
minikube kubectl -- apply -f hello.yaml
minikube kubectl -- delete -f hello.yaml
minikube kubectl -- expose deployment k8s-lab-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --port=5000
release: build
docker tag k8s-lab k8s-lab:$(version)
# something to
yq e -i '.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image = "k8s-lab:$(version)"' hello.yaml
deploy: release kdeploy
So i can deploy with:
make release version=X